And there, in a moment of deep pain but even deeper love, He cried out, "It is finished!"
His work was done!
Jesus didn't come as a king who took land by force, but as a servant king to win our hearts.
Jesus is the Savior who freed us not from rulers of this world, but from our own sins.
This was why he was born, and now, at this very moment — it is finished!
And there, in a moment of deep pain but even deeper love, He cried out, "It is finished!"
His work was done!
Jesus didn't come as a king who took land by force, but as a servant king to win our hearts.
Jesus is the Savior who freed us not from rulers of this world, but from our own sins.
This was why he was born, and now, at this very moment — it is finished!
And there, in a moment of deep pain but even deeper love, He cried out, "It is finished!"
His work was done!
Jesus didn't come as a king who took land by force, but as a servant king to win our hearts.
Jesus is the Savior who freed us not from rulers of this world, but from our own sins.
This was why he was born, and now, at this very moment — it is finished!