Under the blanket of night, with stars twinkling like tiny, distant candles, Jesus was in a garden, pouring His heart out in prayer.
His friends, the disciples, were by His side, trying their best to stay awake.
But as the hours pushed on, their eyes grew heavy, and one by one, they slipped into dreams.
Under the blanket of night, with stars twinkling like tiny, distant candles, Jesus was in a garden, pouring His heart out in prayer.
His friends, the disciples, were by His side, trying their best to stay awake.
But as the hours pushed on, their eyes grew heavy, and one by one, they slipped into dreams.
Under the blanket of night, with stars twinkling like tiny, distant candles, Jesus was in a garden, pouring His heart out in prayer.
His friends, the disciples, were by His side, trying their best to stay awake.
But as the hours pushed on, their eyes grew heavy, and one by one, they slipped into dreams.